
Afghan Airlines passenger plane crashed, 110 passengers aboard

A further 24 died, 769 new cases were reported following the Chinoma Core virus

ISRO will launch GiSAT-1, the most powerful telescope

PFI hands over CAA protesters' violence in Uttar Pradesh

Vikram Bhatt's famous director of horror films has an affair with B'day, Sushmita-Amisha today.

Sunny was crying over Bobby's condition, seeking work for 10 years

After Love At First Site Bobby married Tanya, thus proposing

Basketball magician Cabbie Bryant dies in a helicopter crash

In two to three months the economy will improve: the corporate world

5 rockets attack US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq's capital

I want to preserve Balasaheb's legacy, says Raj Thackeray

Selling Air India is anti-national

Digvijay Singh's advice to the central government: Register the educated unemployed, not the NRC

Jayapura corona virus case was registered after Maharashtra

Iran again dropped rockets at the US Embassy

Jihadists struck at a military camp in Mali

India's stance against the European Union proposing against the CAA

China closes Dalai Lama's residence at Potala Palace in the wake of the Corona virus

The economy will improve in two to three months, the corporate world is optimistic