The most popular word for password in India is 'password'.

- Password Manager Platform Nordpass Report

- '123456', 'Krishna', 'I Love You', Sweetheart, Sunshine, Om Sairam Password Most Popular In India

New Delhi: Password manager platform Nordpass's latest report claims that the most popular word for password keeping in India is - password. There are generally 12 popular passwords worldwide, but the most popular word for password in India is the password itself.

This password manager platform presented an interesting password report. The report, released after studying the patterns of passwords from 20 countries, said that there are 12 most popular passwords in the world. The most popular passwords were recorded in 4 out of 20 countries.

But it is not the most popular password in India. In India, people choose the word password to keep the password. Apart from that, the method of keeping passwords in India was seen differently from many other countries. Passwords like Krishna, I Love You, Sairam, Omsairam, Sweety, Sunshine, Lovely are also popular in India.

The pattern of setting passwords by name is also very popular among users in India. Especially Priyanka, Sanjay etc. names were found very common in the password. The report also warns that setting a very simple password increases the likelihood of hacking.

According to the report, 3 out of 500 passwords in India can be cracked in just a few seconds. Passwords of 5% of the world's users are easily hacked. In India, the average is 31%. Although the method of setting the password in India is slightly different, the risk of hacking is reduced, however, the report recommends changing the password regularly and not having an instantaneous password.
