Why did hundreds of cyclists get off the road naked? Gathered in one place after covering a distance of 17 km

Mexico, June 13, 2022, Monday

Demonstration is the biggest weapon for any organization, community or group to demand. The purpose of the demonstration is to draw attention to oneself, but in Mexico, cyclists' campaign for road safety awareness has come under discussion. Cyclists marched naked with bicycles for safety. Demonstrators gathered at the historic Revolution Monument, covering a distance of 17 km on the de la Reforma Avenue route, naked.

The protesters alleged that the government encourages cycling but nothing is done for the safety of cyclists. He also demanded that there should be road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Naked protesters believed that bicycles were being used more slowly than cars. Protests in Mexico have always been aggressive and different, but hundreds of naked cyclists were suddenly thrown onto the road, leaving pedestrians in a strange position.
