Pakistan's economy collapses, says minister

- Shahbaz government tries to get loans from countries like China and Saudi Arabia: has also reached out to IMF

Islamabad: Pakistan's economy is in shambles right now. The Shahbaz government has reached out to countries like China and Saudi Arabia for loans. He has also reached out to the IMF for help. Coincidentally, Ehsan Iqbal, a Pakistani minister, urged people to save at least one cup of tea a day.

The minister, who is in charge of the country's planning, development and incentive departments, has appealed to people to drink less tea so that the foreign exchange used for tea imports can be saved.

Pakistan is on the brink of economic ruin. Frankenstein is tormented by the terrorism he has created. There is an economic downturn in front of him. Even China, which is close to Pakistan, cannot save it from economic crisis. Even the standards set by the IMF are difficult to meet. By that standard, it would have to pay off 4.5 billion in debt in six years. That is why he has once again sought a loan from the IMF for bail-out.

He has twice before reached out to the IMF for a loan, but the problem is that his economic reform program has slowed down. So the IMF does not give him a loan in a hurry, or even a very small loan in proportion to his demand. On the other hand, the bottom of Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves is visible. In the last one year alone, it has halved.

On the other hand, the people are also growing indignant against the Shahbaz government. The minister's request to drink less tea is being mocked. With that said, if the economy does not improve, your departure in the next election is certain. While former Prime Minister Imran Khan is sitting on the sidelines.
