States impose strict bans on transition districts with more than 10 per cent: Center

New Delhi, 31 July 2021 Saturday

In view of the rising cases of corona in some states of the country, the central government has said that strict restrictions need to be considered in districts where the transition rate is more than 10 per cent. The Center said that the transition rate of corona is increasing in 10 states and there is a dire need to follow the rules here.

The Center said 46 districts have more than 10 per cent transition. While in the other 53 districts it is between five and 10 per cent, states need to speed up corona testing once again. The health ministry said any relaxation would worsen the situation in these districts.

The health ministry said in a statement that in all the districts that have reported a transition rate of more than 10 per cent in the last few weeks, stricter restrictions need to be considered to curb / reduce movement of people, crowds and crowds.

The health ministry said more than 80 per cent of active cases in the affected states are reported in home isolation and these cases need to be closely monitored so that they do not reach others, and the infection does not spread.

The health ministry also asked the states to conduct their own survey for district-wise corona statistics, as such surveys are a bit difficult at the national level.
