Data on the leak was found in Wuhan's lab

U.S. intelligence agencies obtained data from a cloud-based server network

WASHINGTON: U.S. intelligence agencies working to find the origin of the Corona epidemic have found genetic data that confirms that the Corona virus leaked from Wuhan's lab.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has also requested China to co-operate in the new screening process. China has instructed the World Health Organization to investigate the possibility of the corona virus originating in another country.

There is speculation that US intelligence agencies may have obtained the data through a cloud-based server network or hacked Wuhan Lab's data.

Texas Republican Senator Michael McColl said he has evidence that the corona virus was developed in Wuhan's lab and leaked. He said experiments to create a deadly virus for the human body had been going on at Wuhan Lab since 2015. These experiments were completed in 2016.

The focus of the investigation, which was ordered by US President Joe Biden, is now on whether the Corona virus was accidentally leaked from a Wuhan lab in China or whether it was spread deliberately.
