Corona snatched 47 lakh workers in India and 60 million in the world

Revealed in the report of the International Labor Organization

7.56 crore workers in the world are engaged in domestic labor, only 18 per cent social security

28 lakh women and 19 lakh men among domestic workers in India: 85% of women workers do cleaning

New Delhi: The Corona epidemic is affecting not only the health sector but also people's employment. It also has the worst effect on daily wage earners and daily wage earners.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) recently conducted a survey of workers who became unemployed due to corona. It said that there are 7.56 crore domestic workers in the world and 47 lakh in India. Most of which have been affected by corona.

Guy Ryder, director general of the ILO, said that a total of 7.56 crore workers in the world are involved in domestic work. Which accounts for 4.5 per cent of the world's total employment. Corona has had a devastating effect on their employment. The Corona crisis proved that there was an urgent need to formalize household chores. So that they can get protection under labor and social security laws.

According to the report, 60 million such workers around the world have been affected by the Korona epidemic and lost their jobs. Even now, 36 per cent of the world's workers do not enjoy the benefits or protection of labor laws.

The situation is particularly dire in Asia, the Pacific and the Arab world. While countries that have labor and social law protections for domestic workers also face many challenges in enforcing them. Only 18.8 percent of domestic workers receive employment-related social security. The total number of domestic workers in India is over 4.7 million.

The highest number of women is 28.70 lakh while the number of males is 19 lakh. Which is 1.3 percent of total jobs. In India, 85% of women domestic workers work as house cleaners. While 1.7 per cent women are involved in cooking or security guard work. The highest percentage of domestic workers in the world is 76.2 per cent or 5.77 crore women engaged in domestic work.
