Seven rounds of the bride and groom wearing PPE kits before the wedding

Ratlam, Ta. 27 April 2021, Tuesday

The wedding season is almost forgotten amid the corona virus infection but in one exceptional case the corona sufferer was not left unmarried. Following which, the bride and groom returned wearing PPE kits.

Pandit, who got married in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, was joined by other invitees wearing PPE kits. The rest of the invitees also attended the wedding wearing PPE kits. A video of the wedding has also surfaced. Which is now going viral on social media. As can be seen in this video, the bride and groom are walking around wearing PPE kits.

The local police were also notified about the marriage. Police also knew that the groom who got married was infected with Corona. Police had also reached the spot, though by then the police had also allowed the marriage to end as the marriage had started.

"On the 19th after the marriage was decided, the groom contracted corona and we came to stop the marriage but the marriage was allowed to take place as per the request and guidance of the senior officers," police said.
