If oxygen was not available, the wife gave oxygen by mouth to the husband who was eating

Agra, Ta. 27 April 2021, Tuesday

In the midst of the Corona epidemic, people are scrambling to save their relatives, scrambling to get beds in hospitals and scrambling for oxygen. Amid such a dire situation, a picture that has gone viral on social media has shocked people.

In this picture, the wife is seen giving oxygen to her husband with her own mouth while she is fighting for oxygen. The wife did not even think for a moment about giving oxygen through her mouth to save her husband's life, even though her husband was suffering from corona.

The incident is from Agra. Where a woman wandering from one hospital to another for oxygen eventually became helpless and risked her life to save her husband's life. The woman tried to save her husband by breathing through her mouth but her efforts also failed.

The woman's husband refused to be admitted to a hospital because she did not have her husband's cowardly report. In UP, the situation has worsened due to Corona and the image of this woman is tarnished by the government's failure against Corona.
