The new bacteria found from the space station will be named after an Indian scientist

- New bacteria provide plant growth as well as plant ability to fight disease

New delhi date. Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Two researchers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have made a big announcement. A new species of bacteria has been found in a sample collected from the International Space Station (ISS), he said. One speculation is that this new species of bacteria could help us a lot in space missions. However, future research will show how much these bacteria can help humans.

Naming after an Indian scientist

Kasturi Venkateshwaran and Nitin Kumar Singh, researchers at the University of Hyderabad working with NASA, said they found a total of four bacteria in the samples. These bacteria belong to the family Methylobacteriaceae. One of these four bacteria, Methylorubrum rhodesianum, was first discovered while the other three bacteria are quite new.

According to both the researchers, the new bacteria was named after India's biodiversity scientist Dr. There is talk of naming Methylorubrum ajmalii after Ajmal Khan.

What will be the benefit of this research?

These new bacteria, obtained from the space station, provide plant growth as well as plant ability to fight disease. According to researchers, these bacteria can also be helpful in growing crops in space. However, this case has not been researched yet but if it turns out to be true, research will also be done on growing crops on Mars with the help of these bacteria.
