Vaccination will begin against Corona, allowing Britain to administer the Pfizer vaccine

The vaccine protects up to 95 percent

The vaccine was jointly developed by the American company Pfizer and the German company Bioentech

Now we can see the sunrise of hope: British Health Minister

(PTI) London, Ta. Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Britain (UK) has become the first country in the world to approve a Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine for corona. Dosage of this vaccine will start from next week.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which approves the drug in Britain, said the vaccine was 95 per cent safe. Therefore, it will be widely used from next week.

Russia has previously claimed to have developed the Sputnik-Five vaccine, but the vaccine has not yet been shown to be effective in Russia or outside Russia. His tests are also underway.

The vaccine approved by Britain is a joint development of the US company Pfizer and the German company Bioentech. British medical officials said the vaccine was approved quickly, but no compromises were made with safety. All vaccine tests have been performed and vaccine results have been adequately studied.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock has said that the year 2020 is going to be difficult, but 2021 will be bright. Now we can see the sunrise of hope in front of us. The vaccine is to be given in two doses. Patients who are at the highest risk will be given first. Eight million doses will be delivered in a few days, while 10 million doses will be delivered to Britain.

British officials said it would be the largest vaccination program in Britain's history. All arrangements have now been made for the vaccine to reach all corners of Britain and be available from next week. In addition to critically ill patients, healthcare staff and others in need will be given the first dose.

The world's fastest-growing vaccine

Vaccines usually take five to fifteen years to develop. Researchers are working day and night to get all the vaccines ready as soon as possible in view of the corona crisis. As a result, the vaccine became available in ten months. This is by far the fastest-growing vaccine in the world.

A vaccine made from coronavirus

Separating the genetic code of the coronavirus, only a fraction of it has been used to make the vaccine. In scientific parlance this vaccine is RNA based. Pieces of the genetic code will go into the body as a vaccine and teach the body how to fight the corona. Vaccines for any virus are usually made using the virus. The use of RNA vaccine is also the first case in this world. This is the first time an RNA-based vaccine has been used on humans.

Mass vaccination in Russia, vaccine production in India

Russia has decided to make extensive use of the Sputnik-Five vaccine. Putin has ordered the whole country to start vaccinating next week. Russia claims that the vaccine is 95 percent effective. The vaccine is also being tested on a limited basis in India. Russia has also decided to prepare 100 million doses of the vaccine, which will be manufactured by the Indian company Hetero. Russia and Hetero have reached an agreement for this. Russia is expected to sell a single dose of the vaccine on the international market for ડો 10.

Will be stored at a temperature of minus 70 degrees

The vaccine should be stored in a freezer at minus 70 degrees, not in a normal fridge. Since low temperatures are required, it can only be manipulated by special boxes. Can be used for up to five days after delivery. The fixed price of this vaccine is about પા 15, but it is not clear whether it will be taken from patients.
