Law of Love Jihad: The religious leader who marries will also be jailed for five years

New Delhi, 26 November 2020, Thursday

Amid rising cases of love jihad across the country, states like UP and MP have announced to enact laws against it. Haryana is also preparing to enact such a law.

On the other hand, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has said that the law against our love jihad will be even stricter than that of UP. The perpetrators of love jihad will be sentenced to 10 years.

In a conversation with a channel, he said that the law against love jihad will be put before the legislature for approval this month. Institutions that provide financial support and registration for such marriages will also not be excluded.

"Even though no one is mentioned in the law, why is one class and one party suffering? We have not mentioned a single sect in the law. The whole country is disturbed by such acts and it will not be carried out," Mishra said.
