Scientists have discovered a method to prevent the spread of corona in the body

(PTI) Houston, Ta. Saturday, October 17, 2020

Scientists at the Texas Healthcare Science Center have discovered the origin of the molecule that nourishes the corona. Researchers have had significant success in preventing proteins from corona viruses attacking the immune system. This method will make it easier to find a vaccine.

American scientists claim to have discovered a method to prevent replication of the corona virus. Corona virus replicates from one copy to another, causing the entire body's immune system to take over. Scientists have discovered a molecule that mimics that. If it is stopped there, the replication of the virus will stop.

This is a very important achievement, according to scientists. If the coronavirus protein PLPro is stopped from growing, its potency will be limited. Researchers have identified the molecule of the corona virus that does this work and have also found a way to control it.

Scientists at the Texas Health Sciences Center said it would be easier to find a vaccine if the virus was replicated. A report published in the journal Science claims that the PLPro protein transition from the corona virus spreads very quickly.

Corona's provocative dual name Caesar makes the corona even more terrifying and dangerous. It promotes the secretion of dangerous PLPro proteins. If it is stopped, the discharge will stop. It will also stop the forms of the corona virus that develop.

In addition the attack on the immune system will be reduced and the body will be protected. The body's immune system will protect the body by proving to be stronger than the virus. The scientists claimed in the report that this research would greatly facilitate the inventors of the vaccine. This discovery will help in finding an effective vaccine.
