The WHO has imposed a ban on these drugs for coronary heart disease patients

New delhi date. 05 July 2020 Sunday

The World Health Organization (WHO) has banned corona-infected patients from being given doses of a combination of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, the HIV drug lopinvir and ritonavir. The WHO says the drug is not reducing mortality.

The WHO said the use of both drugs had been shown to reduce the mortality rate of patients infected with the coronavirus to a moderate or no compared to other standards of treatment.

The WHO said on Saturday that it had decided to ban the use of these drugs on the recommendation of an international body that monitors drug testing. The U.S. National Institutes of Health has blocked an ongoing clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of corona patients.

According to a statement from the US National Institutes of Health, the drug is not very effective in hospitalized coronavirus patients.

A few days ago the British Medical Regulatory Agency allowed the resumption of testing for the treatment of corona patients with hydroxychloroquine. The test will look at whether taking the drug protects health workers from coronavirus infection.

The UK's Drug and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency banned testing of the drug after it published a research in the journal Lancet last month.

Hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, came under fire when US President Donald Trump said it was effective in coronary heart disease. There the medical journal The Lancet Journal published a report on hydrochloroquine that said the drug was not effective on patients infected with Hydroxychloroquine Corona. However, the Lancet Journal later backtracked on its report.
