The Ministry of Human Resources was renamed the Ministry of Education

New delhi date. 29. July 2020 Wednesday

The Central Government has now renamed the Ministry of Human Resources as the Ministry of Education.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Modi government's cabinet in which the government also approved a new education policy, the details of which are likely to be given this evening.

It was the Ministry of Human Resources that proposed the name change, which was approved by the Cabinet. The new education policy has also undergone drastic changes. As such, there will be a single regulatory body in higher education. Will be known as the Education Regulatory Authority or the Higher Education Commission of India.

No government has made major changes in education policy in the last three decades. The government believes that if India is to become a knowledge superpower, it will need to make major changes in education policy. Every child needs to get quality education so that a progressive society can be built.

Emphasis is also being laid on the preparation of a new national curriculum framework in the new education policy, which will focus on knowledge of different languages ​​as well as skill development.
