Corona side effects, Supreme Court judge typing the order himself

New delhi date. 21 July 2020, Tuesday

Although the public is scared and suffering from corona, people in many areas are also satisfied with its side effects. Supreme Court Justice Dhananjay Y Chandrachud shared his experiences during the virtual hearing. Justice DY Chandrachud typed whatever he ordered during the hearing through video conferencing on his own laptop.

Justice DY Chandrachud said on Tuesday that he writes the order on the laptop himself instead of giving the order to the court master as it is more simple and instinctive than giving dictation. It is a good idea to type your own command on a laptop because that command becomes very specific.

Justice DY Chandrachud said that after typing the order, it does not require any typing mistakes or corrections. His suggestive remarks could be followed by other judges in the near future. A virtual hearing is currently underway in the Supreme Court over Corona.

The Supreme Court was reopened on July 6 after a "symbolic summer vacation" between the Corona periods. At the same time, however, it was clear that a normal hearing could not take place in the courtroom until September. The hearing in the Supreme Court has been going on since March 23, two days before the lockdown.

The Supreme Court administration had sent a circular to the lawyers informing them of the virtual hearing online. It said lawyers who want to appear in court virtually should ensure that their mobiles, laptops, PCs or iPads have a dedicated line internet connection with 4G technology.
