The Corona epidemic saw a 55 percent increase in deforestation in the Amazon region

Rio de Janeiro, June 8, 2020, Monday

The risk has increased during the Corona period on the Amazon rainforest, which is considered the lungs of the earth. Illegal deforestation has been rampant in the Amazon rainforest for years, but according to the data, deforestation has increased by 3% in the last three to four months of 2020. Mafias are damaging forests by taking advantage of lockdowns caused by the Corona virus. The Amazon rainforest covers an area of ​​seven countries with a population of over 200 million.

The largest area of ​​the Amazon rainforest is 90 percent in Brazil. The Amazon is characterized by a variety of species of trees, plants and animals that are not found anywhere else in the world. Amazon also offers the most oxygen at 12. The Brazilian government refused a lockdown when the Corona transition began. Eventually, coronavirus infections increased and regulations, including lockdowns and social distances, were imposed. Corona has treated black care throughout Brazil, including the state of Amazonas.

Corona is becoming uncontrollable due to poor health care in areas including Amazon. As a result of the Corona epidemic in Brazil, field agents on duty in protected forests were recalled. Forest mafias have taken advantage of the fact that the Amazon jungle area's patrols have been reduced to prevent Coro's transition. According to a preliminary satellite report from the Space Research Agency, there has been an increase in the incidence of deforestation in the Amazon.

Preventing natural or unnatural fires in the Amazon jungle, illegal timber and the theft of precious minerals is the responsibility of countries such as Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia, which are included in the Amazon jungle. The forests of the Amazon bring rain, making the humid air from the Atlantic Ocean heavier. This is the mystery of natural rivers and rugged forests for millions of years. The highest incidence of fires occurs during the month of July in the Amazon jungle area each year. With Corona likely to be at its peak in Brazil at this time of year, Brazil will have to fight on both the Corona and Jungle fronts.

Production of palm oil in Ecuador is detrimental to the Amazon, with 2.18 million hectares near Brazil and 5 million to 4 million hectares in Bolivia. Colombia has a total of 29 million hectares of forest, of which 11.5 percent has been destroyed. Ecuador has 1.3 million forests, of which 10 percent have been cleared. Peru has 4.5 million hectares of Amazon area, of which 9 percent has been destroyed. The production of palm oil in Ecuador is the most dangerous for the forests of the Amazon while the conditions in French Guiana and Guyana, Suriname are relatively good.


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