Find out why China has become the world's largest market for donkeys.

New York, June 9, 2020, Tuesday

This earth belongs not only to human beings but also to all animals, birds and beasts and living beings but the man who has a monopoly on the earth has himself destroyed many living insects and animals. Donkeys are also being added to this list. The existence of every animal is a part of the natural ecosystem, but if animals like lions, tigers and leopards do not produce anything against man, then what is the point of a donkey? Everything that is created in nature is consumed by everyone, but man values ​​everything according to his own needs. Worldwide, including India, donkeys have dropped by 50 per cent in the last five years. Millions of donkeys are killed every year in China for anti-aging drugs. If this baroque continues, in the next 20 years, ABCD will be seen as Donkey's D. Future generations are taking grandchildren to the zoo to show Donkey.

There were 300 million donkeys in the world 25 years ago, now only 4 million survive

According to a survey by the UN's Domestic Diversity Information System, the number of donkeys in the world has dropped from an estimated 300 million 25 years ago to 40 million now. At one time donkeys came to work hard to carry loads on mountainous areas. Donkeys are used from coal mines to cross slopes, but vehicles with state-of-the-art technology have made it possible to carry loads on difficult roads. Donkeys have become useless in search of machines that can work on slopes. The extinction of donkeys has taken place as the industries of making donkey meat and its body parts have flourished. On the black market, a donkey can be bought for anywhere from 100 100 to 200 200. Donkeys taken to the slaughterhouse are kept hungry for hours.

In India, there were only 1.5 lakh donkeys, a 61 per cent decline in 5 years

If we talk about India, in 2007 there were 4 lakh donkeys in the country. When donkeys were counted in the country in 2012, the number was 3.20 lakh. According to new figures released in Live Stock 2019, there are now only 1.5 lakh donkeys. This is a decrease of 61.23 percent compared to 2012 to 2016. This reduction figure is more than 50 percent of the total donkey population. The highest decline in donkeys has been in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. In 2012, there were 81,000 donkeys in Rajasthan, but now there are barely 23,000. It may be recalled that at one time the largest donkey fair in the world was held in Rajasthan. UP used to have 57 thousand donkeys which has now come down to 16 thousand. There were 39 thousand donkeys in Gujarat which has come down to only 12 thousand.

China makes anti-aging drugs from donkey meat

The plight of donkeys in China, known for its cruelty to animals, is unparalleled in any other country. China manufactures anti-aging products from donkey leather. Demand for this anti-aging product is growing not only in China but also in Europe and America. The number of donkeys in China is barely 3 million, up from 11 million in 1992. China has been buying donkeys from many countries around the world for several years now as its own donkeys are in short supply to make skin medicine. Donkey skin is used to make gelatin and a traditional medicine called EGO, which cures anemia and blood diseases. EGO is taken with warm water or alcohol. In 2000, the price of a kilo of EGO increased from જે 30 to 780.

18 lakh donkeys are killed for leather every year

According to figures from Britain's charity Donkey Century, 1.8 million donkeys are killed every year in China to get their skins, while the demand is for 100 million donkeys. There is also a belief in China that eating donkey meat is good for health. In such circumstances, China has become a place to sell donkeys all over the world. There are strict rules for animal trafficking but China has allowed its traders to buy donkeys from any country. The import duty on donkeys has been reduced from 5 per cent to 2 per cent. The market in Asia and Africa is getting ready to supply donkeys to China. Kenya is becoming a major supplier of donkey leather to China. The number of donkeys has dropped by 28 percent in Brazil, 37 percent in Botswana and 53 percent in Kazakhstan. There are 4 donkey slaughterhouses in Kenya in which 1000 donkeys are slaughtered daily. If the world continues to be slaughtered in this way, not a single donkey will survive on earth in the next two decades.

China has a bad eye on Pakistan's 5 million donkeys

Surprisingly, the number of donkeys in the world is declining but Pakistan is the only country where the number of donkeys has increased. According to one source, Pakistan currently has 5 million donkeys. Sick donkeys are treated free of cost at a Donkey Hospital in Lahore. China has a bad eye on all the donkeys in Pakistan because China needs donkeys for anti-aging skin products at any cost. According to the report of Pakistan's Economic Survey 2017-18, a man earns Rs 800 a day by raising donkeys.

Donkeys are not stupid but incredibly intelligent animals - research

The donkey is considered an animal without intelligence and is taken down. The word donkey has been used as a sieve since childhood, but according to research by animal scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, donkeys are very sensitive and intelligent animals. The donkey's memory is sharp and he never forgets what he saw once for 25 years. Sick milk has more protein and sugar than cow's milk but less fat. Donkeys do not like to be alone but live very well with goats if they have to be alone.

The steep climb of donkey's existence against modern technology

Donkeys have coexisted with humans for the last 5 thousand years nowadays but now there is no space left for donkeys except the slaughterhouse. In India, donkeys have been used for centuries to make pottery. Earlier donkeys were a source of income for the nomadic poor community but now they cannot afford to raise donkeys due to lack of employment. Lack of food, water causes diseases and death of stray donkeys. A healthy donkey has a lifespan of 35 to 40 years but is slaughtered only when it is 5 years old for meat. Even in India, the declining donkey is being suspected of having ties with China.
