Corona vaccine ready in Russia, human trial launched

Russia, Ta. 18 June 2020, Thursday

Russia has launched a clinical human trial of a vaccine designed to treat coronavirus. The Russian Health Minister informed that the drug has been prepared in liquid and powder form and clinical human trial of this drug has been started. According to the health ministry, they have two groups of 38-38 people to try these drugs.

It is learned that both military personnel and civilians have been included in the team for the clinical human trial so that the experimental testing of the prepared vaccine can be successfully passed. The drug has been developed by the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. According to the director of the institute, Alexander Gintsberg, the human trial will be completed in about a month and a half.

The drugs will be tested in liquid and powder form at two different locations in Moscow. The trial of the liquid drug will be conducted by intramuscular injection at the Burdenko Military Hospital. The powder will also be injected into the bodies of volunteers by intramuscular injection at Seshenov First State Medical University in Moscow.

Russia has informed all the volunteers about the advantages and disadvantages of this trial and they have signed the insurance papers. Apart from that, health screening of all the volunteers is also going on so that it is known that a person is not a patient of chronic disease, HIV, hepatitis, corona etc. When all the investigations are completed and the volunteers appear healthy, a trial of the new corona vaccine in their body will begin.

The first volunteers will be vaccinated on June 18 or 19. Their body movements will then be monitored for 28 days and the effect of the vaccine will be studied in depth.
