Corona: Because of this, the WHO considers the whole world to be at a dangerous stage

Geneva, Ta. Saturday, June 20, 2020

"The whole world is at a new and dangerous stage," he said in a warning to the World Health Organization. According to the WHO, although the epidemic is at different stages in different parts of the world, the spread of the virus is increasing globally. "The virus is still spreading rapidly and is still deadly," WHO DG Tedros Adhanum Ghebriasus said on Friday. Most people are still vulnerable. '

On the one hand, as the pressure on all countries to open up their economies has increased, the WHO warns that governments should be prepared for the sudden emergence of a large number of new cases after opening a lockdown. On Thursday, 1.5 million new cases of corona were reported worldwide, the largest increase in a single day. About half of those cases were from the USA, Brazil, and Latin America.

"Corona cases are on the rise in the Middle East and South Asia, so people must be vigilant and adhere to social distance," he said. He also advised wearing a mask and washing hands frequently.

The Corona virus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization about three months ago, and its spread has not slowed down. Cases are now on the rise even in countries where the transition was not much due to the lockdown during March and April.
