PM Modi wants people to cooperate: Implement this Seventies to defeat Corona

New delhi date. 14 April 2020 Tuesday

In the wake of the Corona crisis, Prime Minister Modi has announced a lockdown period to extend the third May. Today was the 21st and final day of the lockdown, which began on March 25. The Prime Minister then announced a period of lockdown by addressing the United Nations, which means that the Prime Minister has announced a lockdown across the country till May 3.

This time, however, PM Modi had announced that he would comply more strictly than the 21-day lockdown. At the same time lockdown will be strictly followed in every state, district including places till next April 20, and in areas where hotspots are not allowed or hotspots are less likely to be conditional after April 20, some concessions may be granted.

I'm asking for your support

- Follow the rules of the ministry of longevity to increase your immunity, conserve hot water.

- Take special care of the elders in your household, especially those who have chronic illnesses. They have to be specially protected from the corona.

- Comply with Lockdown and Social Distance

- In order to prevent home-made corona infections, download the Healthy Mobile App and others to download this app.

- Take care of poor families as much as they can, catering to their food needs.

- Don't hire someone out of a job with a sense of humor for the people in our business industry.

- Respect and honor the country's corona warriors, doctor nurses, cleaning workers, police, etc.

Over 600 hospitals only work for Covid. This feature is enhanced very quickly. India has limited resources, but I have a special recommendation for young Indian scientists. Nine young allies come forward for human welfare and take the initiative to make the Corona vaccine. If we follow the rules with patience, we will overcome the pestilence like corona.
