Breathless patients may have coronas despite no travel record: ICMR

- 3 out of 5 patients with coronas were those who had not traveled anywhere, they were not exposed to the corona infected person: how they got coronas.

(PTI) New delhi date. 10 April 2020, Friday

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) report claimed that patients with respiratory infections may have coronas in different ways. Although there was no travel history, coronary viruses were found in the bodies of respiratory patients.

According to ICMR, 3 corona-positive patients were studied, of which 1 had no travel history of corona-positive. In addition, these patients were not exposed to any corona infections. He had a serious respiratory illness, which caused the corona virus to enter his body.

ICMR examined samples of 5 suspected patients in the country from February 7 to April 2. The report was prepared after studying it. There were 3 patients who did not travel abroad. No one was in contact with someone from abroad. But they already had a serious respiratory illness. That is why corona viruses had penetrated their bodies. How the corona virus penetrated their bodies is a puzzle.

However, this applies only in the case of a serious respiratory illness called SRI. The World Health Organization also separately published guidelines for SRI patients on how to treat coronas.

The study found that 5.5% of coronary patients were not directly exposed to an infected person. Nor did he travel abroad. In some cases, patients were not even excluded from the state. However, if they do have a corona, they point to community transmission.

Coronary patients had a higher incidence of 3 years of age. Only one percent of the total patients traveled abroad. Two percent of patients were those who were in direct contact with coronary patients.
