821 million people in the world go to bed hungry every night: UN

New Delhi, 27 April 2020 Monday

The president of the World Food Program said he was in touch with the leaders of the world's richest countries, and was sending them an important message, that the coronavirus global epidemic was only affecting their economies.

Although affecting vulnerable and conflict-ridden countries, millions of people in these poor countries will also be forced to face starvation if these rich people stop helping UN agencies financially.

David Bisley said in a discussion with the Associated Press that he was telling leaders he was telling leaders that it was important to maintain the supply chain.

We can avoid starvation deaths despite various obstacles such as restrictions, closure of borders and ports, non-harvesting of farms, and closure of roads.

He said that currently 821 million people in the world go to bed hungry every night. An additional 13.5 million people are facing starvation crisis or worse.

A new World Food Program estimate shows that 130 million people will be on the brink of starvation by the end of 2020 as a result of COVID-19.

Bisle said about 100 million people are fed every day under the World Food Program, of which 30 million are dependent solely on the World Health Program.

According to his estimates, the worst-case scenario could lead to famine in 36 countries, with more than one million people already facing starvation in each of the 10 countries.
