The governor of Kashmir becomes drunk and plays golf: Satyapal Malik

Lucknow, Ta. March 16, 2020, Monday

The Governor of Goa and former Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Satyapal Malik are always in discussions due to their controversial statements.

On Sunday, Malik visited his ancestral village in Bagapat, hometown of Uttar Pradesh, where he attended a program. Addressing the gathering, he said that the governor had no job. In Kashmir, who becomes governor, he only drinks alcohol, and plays golf. Bacina, who is governor, is resting, and there is no dispute.

He condemned the education system of Bihar and said, I was sent to Bihar. I tried to improve his education. As much as there were colleges, most of them were from college leaders, none of whom were professors. BADMA used to take Rs 30 lakh for admission, which would take the exam and give a degree. I upgraded this system and did a centralized test.

His controversial statement has sparked controversy, and his users have been trolling him on social media.

Some social media users have laughed at him. One user wrote, is this the language of the Honorable Governor?

So other users wrote that the office of President and Governor was wasting taxpayer money.

One user joked that the governor's job was to wrongfully break the legislatures and form the BJP government, and to swear secretly early in the morning.
