Jugs against Corona, isolation wards are being built in train bins

New Delhi, Mar 28, 2020 Saturday

In order to fight the corona, hospitals have come to the railway grounds to prepare new isolation wards if hospitals fall short.

What has been done to extend the train coach to the isolation ward? Photos of a train coach turned into an isolation ward went viral on social media today. These coaches can keep coronary patients. Medication and meal arrangements will also be available for them.

According to the Railways, if this model gets a green flag, then 10-10 coaches can be turned into Isolation ward within a week in each railway zone. This will help to treat patients in remote areas.

Instructions to turn rail coaches into hospitals were being made on social media to the government several times.

A Kerala firm has offered to design such a hospital. The firm's director says, we have 12167 trains. Each has 23 to 30 coaches. From the medical store to the ICU and pantry car system. Thus, 1000 beds can be arranged in each train. Patients can be recruited directly in these trains through 7500 stations.
