Embrace India's 'salutary' practice of avoiding Koran: Israeli PM appeals

Jerusalem, Ta. March 5, 2020, Thursday

Corona virus has taken hundreds of countries around the world into its own defense. Iran is the biggest threat to Middle East country after China.

The virus has killed 92 people and over 3000 cases have been reported in Iran. Under these circumstances, countries around Iran are also at risk of the virus. In the meantime, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has appealed to his countrymen to adopt Namaste instead of joining hands with one another to avoid the virus.

Netanyahu said in India, it is customary to greet each other with a greeting and this may prove to be a good way to prevent the virus from spreading.

It is worth mentioning that the corona virus is also said to be infected. Due to which the virus is spreading, people are also afraid to shake hands with each other.
