Bloomberg out of the US presidential race, in support of Biden

(PTI) Los Angeles, Ta. February 5, 2020, Thursday

Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg has withdrawn his candidacy for the US presidency and declared his support for former Vice President Joe Biden. The contest for a presidential nomination in the Democratic Party of the United States has now been restricted to former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders.

A few days ago, the primary election held in 14 states on Tuesday saw only the major confrontation between the two leaders and the remaining candidates were excluded from the race. The remaining three candidates were badly washed out in the internal elections of these states.

In addition, the media mogul, who spent $ 50 million (about $ 3,600 million) to campaign for the primary election, was left empty handed by former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg. In the 14 state elections, Biden won nine states, while the rest went to Sanders' account.

The 77-year-old Biden won with 228 delegates (with delegates) in the states of Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Minnesota. While 78-year-old Sanders won in Utah, Colorado, and Vermont in his home state, including California, with 415 delegates. Tulsi Gabbard, America's first Hindu MP, was unsuccessful in making his mark and Senator Elizabeth Warren also suffered defeat in her home state.
