A lady tells the Red Lady, her hobbies will be astonished

Basnia, Ta. Tuesday 24 March 2020

There are some people in the world who are known for their strange poor hobbies. One such woman is Jorika Ribernik, who lives in Bosnia. He loves red so much that he has reddish his hair and he always wears his clothes red too. You may be surprised to know that all the belongings of Jorika's house are red.

Jorica, 67, is a retired teacher. She said that since she was 18 she has only worn red clothes. This is his hobby. However, Jorika wants to see everything around her just red, so she does so.

Most surprisingly, even if Jorika goes to someone's funeral, she still wears a red dress. Currently, the only water heater in her home is something that is not red because she bought such a heater at the behest of her husband, Jaron.

Because of her love for red, people in Bosnia call Jorica the Red Lady. She is so famous in her city that people have no regard for her celebrity. Jorika states that she also wore a red dress at her wedding. People have already known her love for red, so in her marriage, the same gift was given by red.
