Why did Donald Trump say good relations with Pakistan in the speech?

Ahmedabad, December 4, Monday, Monday

Waiting for Donald Trump's historic visit to India. Trump was shocked by the warm welcome from Ahmedabad Airport to the Motorra Stadium on February 7. Namaste also praised the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi by uniting India's diversity in his historic speech from the platform of the Trump program. During his visit, Modi described Modi as his true friend, trying to explain that India and America were never as strong as they are now. There has also been a lot of change in India during the five-year tenure of the Modi government.

However, when Donald Trump did not travel to neighboring Pakistan, he was curious about what message he received from India. In the middle of the speech, Trump mentioned Pakistan's name as jog after praising India's culture and democracy. In the first place, India and the United States were the victims of terrorism. Every country has the right to protect its borders. Pakistan has put a lot of pressure on itself to end terrorism. The move to become president of the United States has also produced positive results. In the meantime, India has good relations with Pakistan, India said from the ground up.

We hope that tensions between all South Asian countries will decrease, stability will increase and relations will be stronger in the future. It is OK for India to play an important role in South Asia for this, but the statement that Trump has good relations is a relief to Pakistan while confusing India but it is important to understand why Trump said that the US has good relations with Pakistan.

Experts believe that Donald Trump killed Indians from the same platform but did not offend Pakistan. Pakistan is a partner in US Afghanistan policy. US troops still guard in Afghanistan. In the election campaign for Trump in the 5th, the Americans promised that they would withdraw the US military from Afghanistan. This promise remains incomplete, despite three years since Trump's tenure. An agreement is expected to be reached between the United States and the Taliban by the end of February.

Pakistan's role has to be important once the US military withdraws from Afghanistan in agreement with the Taleban. Since Trump knows this, Trump has said that he has good relations with Pakistan. Although good relations with Pakistan, relations with India have become much closer than ever. Since India is the largest market in the world, no country can neglect India in international trade.
