Pakistan: Four teenagers injured in Hindu temple vandalism, police leave

Islamabad, February 2, 2020, Sunday

The atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan remain unchanged, but those who oppose the CAA in India are unwilling to utter any word on the issue.

In another incident of atrocities on Hindus, a Hindu temple was vandalized in Tharparkar district in Sindh province of Pakistan. Four minors were arrested by police. They have since been released.

According to the police, Prem Kumar, who has complained of the vandalism, has withdrawn the complaint for the release of minors. That is why they have been released.

According to the complaint, it was vandalized on January 26. The idols in the temple were demolished by four teenagers. All of them are aged between 12 and 15 years. He was accused of stealing money from a temple donation.
