Yes, 34 of our soldiers were wounded by an Iranian missile: America

Washington Ta: 25 Jan 2020, Saturday

The United States for the first time acknowledged the fact that 34 of our soldiers were injured in a missile attack on Iran.

The United States airstrikes on Baghdad airport on January 5, killing eight people, including top Iranian military officer Qasim Sulaimani.

Then Iran was constantly attacked by missiles and rockets at the US Embassy in Baghdad. At that time, the United States kept saying that we were not harmed or killed by Iranian missiles.

But now the Pentagon said that 34 of our soldiers were injured in the head of a missile attack on Iran on January 8, some of which had been injured in the head. Earlier, the United States claimed that our troops had moved into the bunker before the Iranian invasion.

Now America has publicly acknowledged that our soldiers were wounded. US President Donald Trump threatened serious consequences when Iran first attacked the rocket, but Iran was not afraid and continued to carry out missile attacks.

Iran left not one, but two dozen missiles at the US Embassy. However, the embassy was not harmed as most of the missiles fell near the embassy. Perhaps Iran considered itself a missile in a way that created fears for US troops.
