India can play an important role in easing tensions between the United States and Iran

New delhi date. 15 January 2020, Wednesday

Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Jafri said Wednesday that India could play a role in easing tensions in the Gulf region because it was an important party. Jafari's statement came after a clash between US and Iran following the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasim Sulaimani. India, he says, is in favor of reducing stress as soon as possible.

India is in touch with major countries, including Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar. India can play a role in reducing tensions in the Gulf region as it is an important party, Zarif said.

Jawad Zarif met Sergey Lavrov before his Russian counterpart on Wednesday, and both leaders discussed the situation in the Gulf. Both the leaders have come to India to participate in the Rice Dialogue on the Global Convention of India on Geopolitics.
