Fifth-generation leader of the same family is not wanted: Ramchandra Guha

New Delhi: 18 January 2020, Saturday

Historian Ramchandra Guha said, "Personally I don't mind Rahul Gandhi but today's younger generation does not want a fifth generation leader of a family."

Speaking at a meeting of the Kerala Literature Council, Guha said that if you vote for Rahul Gandhi in 2024, you will unknowingly help Narendra Modi because the biggest strength of Narendra Modi is that he is not Rahul Gandhi.

He said that I do not understand why you sent Rahul Gandhi to Parliament. Personally, I have no objection to it. He is a member and educated person. But today's younger generation does not want the fifth generation of the same gentleman. They need some new leadership.

Cave was speaking on such topics as patriotism versus internationalism. He said that the Congress party, which once provided the ideal of independence and patriotism, has been put in a pitiful state today. Rahul Gandhi has no ability against Narendra Modi, who has made his mark in Indian politics by his hard work and distinguished personality. You have done a disastrous job by sending them to Parliament.
