Curator petition in Supreme Court against death sentence of one accused in Nirbhaya case

New Delhi, Jan 9, 2020, Thursday

A death warrant has been announced on January 22 for the hanging of four accused of Nirbhaya Kand, who stirred the country.

Now the accused have continued their desperate efforts to escape the gallows. Vinay Kumar Sharma, one of the accused, has filed a curative petition in the Supreme Court. Demands to be hanged on the gallows.

After Patiala House Court of Delhi announced a death warrant on January 7, there was little option for the four accused to escape punishment. Regarding the curative petition, the informants also say that the Supreme Court is changing the decision on the curative petition only in the case of rarest of cases. Under these circumstances the culprits are less likely to be hanged.

All four accused will be hanged together at Tihar Jail at 7am on January 22 at 7am, jail officials say. Tihar Jail has summoned two executioners from UP.

Even if the decisions on the Curative Petition and the mercy petition filed by the President are not executed by this date, it will be difficult to give the curative petition by January 22 and another 14 days if the mercy petition filed by the President is rejected.
