Priests also have a gun license to protect God

Kulu, Ta. November 26, 2019, Tuesday

In some villages of Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, the temple priests have been given a gun license. This allows them to protect the precious idols and ornaments of the goddesses.

In July 2013, the watchman was killed along with robbing temple ornaments and crores of rupees worth of rupees in Bachchha village of Rohdu taluka. In December 2014, thieves fled with thieves in Raghunath temple.

According to one information, thieves have looted more than 150 temples and monasteries in the last 10 years. Hence the license of the gun is given to the priests easily. Since there are many other ancient idols in the Raghunath temple, the gun is kept to protect it.

There are more than 200 temples of many famous deities in Kula district of Himachal Pradesh. Over the past year, more than 12 temples have been stolen. The government is also issuing gun licenses to install CC TVs in temples and to protect the idols of God. Thus, in the temples, God has to protect the human beings as well.
