Washington, Ta. August 31, 2019, Saturday
A personal assistant to US President Donald Trump has been shown the door to the White House for allegedly giving information to the Trump family about drunk journalists.
Madeleine Westerhouse, a 28-year-old PA from Trump, is accused of leaking personal information to the Trump family during a dinner with reporters.
Medellin allegedly told reporters that Trump did not like to have a photo with his daughter Tiffany.
Madeleine was considered one of the closest people to Trump. She had been working with Trump since day one. Madeline also claimed that my relationship with Trump was better than that of her daughter, Ivanka.
According to an American newspaper, Madeleine went to dinner and drinks at a hotel with some journalists.
After the case came up, Trump said he was drinking while talking to reporters and that the situation was unfortunate. Madeline has apologized to me for the tragedy.
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