'Last bench' in new global prosperity index of Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai

New delhi date. November 22, 2019, Friday

A new index has been introduced in the world based on inclusive prosperity. The index includes three Indian cities: Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai. The ranking of 113 cities in the world has been given on the basis of inclusive prosperity, not just economics. In this list three cities of India are ranked very low. The cities included in this list were selected not only on the basis of economic growth, but also on the distribution of food among the population.

From the Basque Institutions, D&L Partners has prepared the 'Prosperity and Inclusion City Seal and Awards' (PICSA) Index. Bengaluru is at 83rd position, Delhi at 101st and Mumbai at 107th. Switzerland is followed by Zurich, followed by Vienna, and Copenhagen. The top 10 cities include Luxembourg, Helsinki, Taipei, Oslo, Ottawa, Kiel and Geneva, respectively.

Introducing the new index in Bilba, the capital of the Basque Country in northern Spain, Asir Alya Castanos, director of the Regional Council of Biscay, said: "As the first bean commercial ranking index, PICSA introduces new criteria for economic productivity. It is not just based on GDP, but it represents how people work in the economy and what society is most capable of and how much their contribution to the economy of the country and how much they benefit. '

There is growing debate in governments and the private sector about the need to re-examine success beyond just economic criteria. He said that when it comes to economic growth of the country or city, there are factors like employment, skills and income besides health, housing affordability and quality of life.

Therefore, this new index also considers factors such as per capita GDP, housing affordability and education and health accessibility. For the first time, the world's largest cities have been given rankings not only for their size and economic prosperity, but also for their citizens on the basis of inclusive prosperity.

Poor city's poor performance in inclusive prosperity

The study states that traditional measures of prosperity are not the basis of economic success. That is why the inclusive growth of the world's richest cities is not good. Among the wealthiest cities, London was ranked 33rd in the new list and New York City 38th. Mumbai is also included in Forbes' list of the richest cities of 2019. But it ranks 107th in the report.
