In 118 years, a total of 116 creators in the field of literature have received the Nobel Prize

New Delhi, Oct 11, 2019, Thursday

Nobel laureate Polish writer Olga Tokajurk and Nobel laureate Austrian writer Peter Handke have been awarded the Nobel Prize. Peter Handke has been announced for the Nobel Prize for simplifying the language, the breadth and breadth of the human experience. The Swedish academy has cited Olga Tokajurke as saying that imagination transcends all boundaries by linking emotions with emotions. When Olga was announced for the Nobel Prize, she was driving to Germany while Peter Handke was in her home. In the last six years, a total of 3 creators in the field of literature have received the Nobel Prize.

No 2 Nobel Prize was announced because of Me Two

(Nobel Laureate of 2018 Literature Olga Tokajurke 2019 Nobel Laureate Peter Handke)

A total of 3 names were included for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2018 and 2019, of which two names were selected. The Nobel Prize for Literature was not given to a member of the committee that selected the Nobel Prize for Literature for abusing his position and coming under the husband's name Me to Campaign. Therefore, both the names have been announced simultaneously this year. Due to the dispute, Katrina Frostenson left the academy this year when her husband was found guilty of two rape charges last December. Therefore, the committee tasked with the Nobel Prize for Excellence has chosen the winners' names with great caution to avoid controversy.

From 1901 to 2019, a total of 116 writers were awarded the Nobel Prize

So far, a total of 112 Nobel laureates have been awarded in literature, out of which no one has been allocated seven times. In 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1943, no person qualified for the Nobel literature was found. This has happened four times in the Nobel Prize for Literature, in which two individuals are given a joint. The Nobel Prize-winning literature category has a lower incidence than any other category in the literature. In 1904, Frederick Mistral and Jose Eschger, Karl Gajelerp and Henrik Pontopidan in 1917; From 1901 to 2019, a total of 116 authors have been honored with the Nobel Prize for Literature.

In 1907, Rudyard Kipling received the Nobel Prize at the age of 41

The average life span of all Nobel Laureate writers is 3 years. Jungkook creator Rudyard Kipling has won the Nobel Prize for Literature at the age of 41. Kipling was awarded the Nobel in 1907. The youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature is Doris Lessing, who received the Nobel Prize at the age of 88. In the last 3 years, a total of 3 women have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 3, the Swedish author Selma Lagerfeld was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. Selma Lagerfeld was awarded the Nobel Prize five years before the Swedish Academy was elected to the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Gene Paul Sessions was not accepted for the Nobel Prize in 9th

The Nobel Prize requires a lifetime of hard work, but there have also been instances when the world's best award has been rejected, such as Boris Pasteranak's acceptance of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 9th, after being rejected by the Soviet Union's officers for instruction. The Nobel Prize in Literature Jean-Paul Sessions did not accept the Nobel Prize. Paul has been a characteristic of the session that he did not accept most honors in life.

Winston Churchill received the Nobel Prize in Literature in the 5th.

Many believe that Vincent Churchill, who took the lead in Britain during World War II, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but in fact he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Winston Churchill received two nominations for the Literary Prize and two Nobel Peace Prizes during the years 1 through 5.

Rabindranath was the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize

Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in India. He created literature in Bengali and English. The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Eric Axel Karsfeldt after his death in 2005. However, the award is given posthumously if Nobel dies after it is announced. Similarly, the Peace Prize of 3 was announced after death.
