Threaten this creature, known as a sea cow, from a ship's propeller

Climate change is affecting creatures such as the Manatee, known as sea cows. However, sea cows are most at risk from propellers of marine ships. Since the cows with the kayak cut the distance between 3 and 5 km an hour, the ship arriving at speed can be killed by falling into the propeller below. Sea cows are also getting injured as the number of ships in the sea increases. A cow was also found dead in Florida in the 4th.

These sea cows weigh between 3 and 5 kg and 2.5 to 5 m in length. Their anatomy is elliptical and easy to swim. Sea cows are a complete vegetarian and quiet animal. It eats marine plants like mangrove with its own spicy mouth. He also consumes 3 times his weight. These sea cows need to be grazed for 3-5 hours a day.

At higher depths above sea level, these organisms often surface to breathe. Temperatures of 5 degrees or above are more favorable .In India, in addition to the Gulf of Mannar, Malabar and Andaman were found. This sea cow is found all over the world, from Madagascar to the northeast coast of Australia. This marine organism is estimated to have about 5.
