In China, mercenaries come to the funeral home crying, you know, half an hour charges થી 300 to 400,

Beijing, June 4, 2022, Saturday

In China, it is customary for mercenaries to weep over the coffin of a rich and respected man. These mercenaries are acting vividly crying as if they know they are really traumatized. The relatives of the deceased also wept when they saw him crying like this. In the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian, an 8-year-old woman, Chen Sokying, runs a hired crying group.

The group of seven charges 300 300 to 400 400 for half an hour of crying. Wealthy families here are in the habit of hiring people to cry. Usually the crying group consists of one or two men and all the other women.

They carry a loudspeaker along with the coffin of the deceased and cash it. The weeping mourner is informed in advance who is the most personal relative of the deceased. Therefore, he often weeps in front of them. The information obtained about the nature and qualities of the deceased is woven in the songs of mourning. This acting seems so real that the relatives of the deceased standing silently are moved to weep.

The business of professional morning services is booming. It is often tiring to move from one place to another. Sometimes you have to put make-up on the back of the car in a hurry. Artists often have to work hard to cry. All the artists are happy when a relative of the deceased comes to pay for the payment after the weeping program is over. In addition to the emotional face, voice is also very important in the business of this professional dryer
