Guinness World Records: This YouTuber made history by drinking 1 liter of Mountain Dew in 6.8 seconds.

New delhi date. 27 June 2022, Monday

In today's world people are ready to do anything to become famous. If you are given 500 ml of soda or a cold drink, how long will it take you to drink it? This question is because a person has set a world record by drinking 1 liter of Mountain Dew in just a few seconds. What we can't even think of has been done by one person. Any work requires your practice.

Record scored by YouTube

Following this, a YouTuber named Eric 'Badlands' Booker has set a new world record this time. Eric went 1 liter Mountain Du P in seconds.

Guinness World Records shared this information on its website

According to the Guinness World Records website, Bedlands drank 1 liter of Mountain Dew from a measuring cup in just 6.80 seconds. "I hope I'll get the job done in nine seconds," Eric said before setting the record.

A professional eater, ranked 23rd in the Major League Eating, he previously set a record for the shortest time to drink two liters of soda in 18.45 seconds.

Eric's video, which was posted on Guinness World Records' YouTube channel on June 24, has received over 60,000 views so far.

Users are happy to see this video and Eric's work. At the same time, Eric is considered to be an inspiration to the people. Users, on the other hand, were seen saying that Eric would one day break his own record.

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