Every 30 hours during the Corona period, the world became an average of one billionaire: Oxfam

- 573 new millionaires were added during the epidemic period

- The gap between rich and poor has widened: an average of 1 million people will be pushed into poverty every 33 hours this year

- 2% annual tax on millionaires and 5% for billionaires could raise 2.52 trillion a year

Davos: The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is being held in Davos, Switzerland. At the same time, every 20 hours, a new person became a billionaire in the world during the Covid-12 crisis, and at the same rate, one million people could be plunged into the abyss of poverty, according to a report by Oxfam International's Profiting from Pain.

According to Oxfam, 6 new billionaires have been added to the world during the Corona period. That means a billionaire was added to the epidemic in an average of 30 hours. On the other hand, the gap between rich and poor is widening. This year alone, an average of one million people are being pushed into poverty every two hours. According to an Oxfam report, prices of essential commodities have risen sharply over the past decade. There has been a sharp rise in food prices and energy prices. As a result, the revenue of companies in this sector is increasing by one billion dollars every two days.

The World Economic Forum is known for its public-private partnership. It is attended by wealthy and governmental representatives from around the world. The annual meeting is taking place after a two-year hiatus. Oxfam released the report at a time when wealthy people were flocking to the meeting to celebrate their growing incomes, and recommended a wealth tax from the millionaires.

Oxfam's executive director, Gabriela Butcher, said the worst period of the epidemic was an opportunity for the rich. The wealth of the rich has not increased in the last 3 years, it has increased in the last 6 months. The world's 6 billionaires have a net worth of ૨ 12.5 trillion. In the first six months of the Corona period, the net worth increased by 2.5 trillion. Only the top 10 richest people in the world account for 50% of the world's total wealth. On the other hand, a total of 25 million people will be pushed into poverty this year. The condition of the workers has worsened. Workers have to work harder than they did three years ago and are paid less than before.
