Indian youth convicted of robbery in Singapore flogged

Tushentar Segaran, a 6-year-old man of Indian descent in Singapore, was sentenced by a court to be flogged. The young man was charged with robbery in 2020. The charge was proved in court.
Apart from Tushentar Segaran, an Indian national of Singapore origin, two other Indian nationals were charged with robbery in November 2020. The three Indian nationals were accused of carrying out a joint robbery of 5,000. All three were arrested. A lawsuit was then filed in the court, in which Tushentar Segaran was sentenced to two years in prison in addition to flogging. It was Tushentar who conspired to commit the robbery and it was proved that he got 15 thousand dollars from it. Tushentar was jailed for two years. In addition, his whipping will be carried out.
A case was also registered against two other accused - Karthik Staliniraj and Kottakumar Jaswant. A case was registered against all the three on the charge of gang robbery. The court ruled that the trio carried out the robbery at a time when only two female employees were present in the shop. Earlier, one of the accused, aged 21, was sent for correction under Singapore law. A case is still pending against one accused. He faces up to two years in prison.
