The only community in the world where men, not women, wear the burqa

Tripoli, January 30, 203, Thursday

In the Tuareg tribal community of Islam in the African continent, men, not women, are required to wear the veil, while women can walk around with their heads uncovered. The population of this community is estimated to be one million. Most of them emphasize their tribal traditions and customs along with Islam. They consider themselves to be from the Fizan region of Libya. People from the Tuareg community are still living a nomadic life, moving from place to place.

In this community, women have more rights than men by birth. Incidents of molestation of women by men continue to happen in the world but here women oppress men. Even so, poor men cannot even speak against women. Surprisingly, women can have sexual relations with any man even before marriage. Not only that, women can divorce men whenever they want after marriage. When a married woman leaves her home, she can take with her all the hard-earned goods.

Usually when a girl grows up, she is taught modesty, while in the Tuareg community, when a boy reaches the age of 18, he is compulsorily taught to cover his face with a blue cloth. This is why tourists from outside have adopted the name Blumen. Nothing can be seen under the veil except the eyes, ears and nose of this Blumen. None of the male objections are accepted in this regard.
