The government has put the death toll at 1.7 million in China at 4,000

Claim by an American statistician and economist

Rulers hide reality to prevent image tarnishing: China’s figures medically impossible

WASHINGTON: China’s attitudes and behavior toward the transmission of the corona virus are already suspicious, and there have been allegations that China has withheld corona statistics. A US statistician and economist has claimed that even though the Chinese government is releasing figures, Corona has killed at least 4,000 people in the country.

But in fact about 1.7 million people have died in China due to corona. Thus the actual death toll is 17,000 times higher than the death toll shown by China. George Callahaun, director of the quantitative finance program at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, has accused Chinese rulers of issuing low death toll to maintain the image of their system.

The expert, who studied the economic model, claimed in a statement to The Apache Times that the figures released by the Chinese authorities were “numerically impossible”. .

According to current statistics, China is one of the countries with the lowest number of deaths due to corona. Kailhaun is of the opinion that this is impossible. This figure is impossible, both numerically and medically. He argues that in 2020 there was no vaccine and no specific cure. Such a situation would not have been possible had it not been for the fact that the Corona feared a large population.

According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, about 1.7 million people have died in China so far. The government is also trying to get people locked in their homes or in steel boxes so that the real figures and the real world do not come to light.
