The couple made the mistake of replying to the same e-mail and lost Rs 8 crore

New delhi date. 21. January.2022 Friday

While people have access to online financial transactions, cases of online fraud are also on the rise.

An incident has come to light in which a couple lost Rs 8 crore by mistake in replying to an e-mail in an incident that took place in Sydney, Australia.

According to media reports, Casey and his wife, Dennis Evils, wanted to buy their own home, at which point they risked their entire lives.

Meanwhile, he received an e-mail to finalize the house deal, asking for a transfer of 1. 1.1 million, or Rs 80 million.

The couple did not think the mail was fraudulent, as the e-mail they received was in the name of their lawyer. It contained their personal information. The name of the lawyer's company was also used. All those who signed were included in the mail.

The couple then transferred the amount. Casey and Dennis later called the lawyer and said, "We have transferred the amount as per your instructions." His senses were blown away.

The couple is not shedding tears. However, they have been assured that the bank will return the money.
