The eyes of children who play less in the open are getting damaged due to smartphones

New York, November 19, 2021, Tuesday

Nowadays children play more indoor games and play less in the open. According to a research, children who play in the open air for two hours every day have better eyesight compared to children who play indoor games. When the eyesight is impaired, it is called myopia which causes blurred vision. The light in it forms the first reflection of the retina after refraction. Thus the reflection of things becomes out of focus.

Numerous international studies have also shown that eye problems have become common among children due to current lifestyle and children's habits. Especially children who play in the sun for two hours do not have this problem. Experts believe that the eyes need exercise just like the body. The habit of looking closely puts pressure on the eyes so do not read in small letters. Regular blood transfusions to the area around the eyes are essential. Sleeping well relaxes the tired muscles of the eyes. Taking a break for a while can also reduce eye damage. Parents should also make it a habit for children to play in the open every day. In addition, omega 3 diet is very useful for children. Vitamins A, C and E are needed to keep the eye healthy.
