The basic causes of all wars are the same, no matter where they are played. One reason is the rivalry between nations, jealousy.

- 11-11-1918: Treaty of Vassils: World War I ends

- Looking at China's current actions in the context of World War I, Xi-Jin-Ping's activities can be read as an open book.

- The reasons why wars don't happen overnight have been circulating for decades

China has now spread its paw. The first said d. The China Sea belongs to us. He then created artificial islands where even warplanes could land. Hong Kong's internal autonomy is being crushed. Is scaring Taiwan. Chinese leader Xi Jinping believes that US President Joe Biden will not be able to do anything after the drastic withdrawal from Afghanistan. The question is with India in mind, so to encircle India, the army has started sending warships from Arunachal to Ladakh in the north, Khadki in the south and in the sea in the south. India's arch-rival Pakistan has also been given warships. It has set up a naval base at Gwadar port. It has also set up Army and Air Force bases. Diano has set up naval base at Garcia in the Arabian Sea. The Horn-of-Djibouti, which touches the northern tip of Africa, also has a naval base.

Needless to say, Xi wants to secure a third term of his chairmanship at the ongoing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) convention in Beijing. So much so that he wants to be the chairman of Lifetime and for that he wants to impress the party members by achieving some amazing achievement. Thus Shi's royal games have become as readable as an open book.

Wars do not happen overnight. The reasons are decades old. But like the two ends of the axis, the two main causes, small or large, ancient or modern, will be found in all wars. There is one in it. On the other hand, the indifference of the able-bodied nations towards the solid reality and the deep sleep. The third factor is the fact that it cannot be said. The vulnerability of small nations. They have no choice but to fight against the dominant state. But when capable nations fall asleep, it is difficult for even the most aggressive nations to divide.

Another saying is like remembering. That is: events do not happen according to principles. Principles are formed from events.

The war, which for the first time involved almost all the major nations of the world, originally began on July 6, 1918, with the invasion of Serbia by Germany's ally the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The reason was the assassination of Arch-Duke (Yuvraj) Ferdinand and Archdus of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The killer was Serbian. It was about the differences between the two nations. Disagreements escalated to the point that one murder sparked a war. The toxicity behind it worked before the incident. Archduke was a personal friend of Kaiser. Wilhelm immediately sided with him (the Austro-Hungarian Empire). World War I began. At its core was Germany's Welt-Politik (World-Politics).

China's well-politics is the main driving force behind China's territorialism. That is why he is also joining hands with the Taliban. His simile reminds us of a visit to Kaiser, Turkey. At that time, in the Turkish capital, Istanbul (Constantinople), Kaiser declared: Turk and Germans are brothers. The only thing China has to say here is that the Taliban, originally from Turkmenistan, met with the Taliban: the Taliban and the Chinese are brothers. It will happen to you. Can they (China and Pakistan) Stoop to that level? The answer is - they just dont steep, it is their level.

The Turkic people and the Nordic race cannot be the German Brothers. It was a proverb of nakedness. Isn't it the same with China-Pakistan?

China wants to occupy Taiwan in the east, drawing the world's attention to the far western Arabian Sea. Taiwan's president, Ms. Sai Ying-wen, is really confused. However, the United States has given up.

What should happen. It is certain that China will either start manipulating Pakistan to subdue India, or it will launch a crackdown in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh.

Whatever it is, but like Germany's Welt-Politik, China has set up chess pawns in two world politics. It is fixed.
