Modi will give details of India's steps in COP-26 on climate change

- Indians welcomed Modi with 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai'

- Today they are to meet with leading scholars, doctors and businessmen based in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Glasgow: At the COP-26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will present to world leaders the details of India's response to the changing seasons, and a national statement at that time.

His remarks came after statements by Polish Prime Minister Maniz Moravaki, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

When Prime Minister Modi arrived in Glasgow from Rome on Sunday night, he was greeted by several non-resident Indians present at the airport with Bharat Mata Ki Jai and when he arrived at the hotel for his descent from the airport, he was greeted by the Indians present there with slogans of Bharat Mata Ki Jai. Was. They were greeted by a team of world-famous Scottish bag pipers.

On Monday morning (this morning) they are to meet about 6 non-resident Indians from Glasgow and Edinburgh. Who are pioneers in their respective fields of texture. They are to meet scholars, doctors, engineers, academics and businessmen. Which will include Prince Williams Earth-Shot-Prize winners. The winners include Vidyut Mohan, founder of Delhi-based Takchar, and Vidisha Umashankar, a 19-year-old virgin from Tamil Nadu who makes solar-powered iron carts.

After this, Modi is a participant in the Glasgow Event-Campus Conference of Parties-2 (COP-26) organized by UNO on climate change. Where he will present a statement on the steps taken by India on climate change. The conference was inaugurated by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Some cultural program will also be organized before that.

Commenting on the conference, Boris Johnson said that the conference would be a moment of truth for the world. Everyone is asking if we should seize this opportunity or let it go. '

Modi and Johnson are also scheduled to hold one-on-one talks during the conference. In which Modi is inviting Johnson to come to India.
