Global warming did not increase as much in 24 thousand years as it did in 150 years

- A report by researchers at the University of Arizona was published in the journal Nature

- Man-made global warming never before high, greenhouse gas emissions at dangerous levels: Researchers warn

WASHINGTON: A report on climate change compiled by researchers at the University of Arizona has been published in the famous Nature Journal. The new study found that global warming has increased in the last 150 years, not so much in the last 2,000 years. The researchers said that this phase was very dangerous in terms of climate.

Researchers at the University of Arizona conducted a comparative study of temperatures from the last ice age to the present based on various samples. After analyzing the effects of temperature at that time on the fossils of organisms found in the oceans and studying them in computer method, it was concluded that this is the first time since the last ice age that such a temperature has risen.

Professor Jessica Terni said that the earth's temperature has risen over the last 150 years due to man-made activity. Such temperatures have not risen in the last 5,000 years. Temperatures began to rise 10,000 years ago due to natural causes, but the rate was much lower and it was recovering, the report said.

Researchers at the University of Arizona studied temperatures over a period of 200-300 years using a variety of methods. It has seen an unprecedented rise in temperature over the last 200 years. Man-made causes were also found behind it. The researchers' report was published in the popular journal Nature.

Professor Jessica Terni said that we have reached the point where global warming is normal. Now mankind has reached a very dangerous stage. Now the time for warning has also passed. This period is very dangerous for the earth and mankind. Emissions of greenhouse gases have never been higher than they have been in the last 200 years. He also said that greenhouse gas emissions have been rising steadily in the last two decades of the 21st century and will have serious consequences for the next decade.
